EPOS Audio IMPACT D 10 USB ML Single Sided Wireless Headset

EPOS Audio IMPACT D 10 USB ML Single Sided Wireless Headset

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Wireless Freedom Starts Here



Boost Your Productivity with EPOS Audio (Sennheiser) IMPACT D 10 USB ML Wireless Headset


EPOS Audio (Sennheiser) IMPACT D 10 Single-Sided Dictation Headset comes with premium audio performance and powerful wireless reach. Your journey towards wireless freedom starts here. Keep desks tidy with a streamlined design ideal for hotdesking when agents need plug and play functionality at every workstation.

Always within reach

For modern office professionals excellent call quality, even when moving around the office is essential. The IMPACT D Series dictation headset significantly extends your wireless range so that you can fully engage in conversations and experience continuous call quality even when away from your desk.

Enjoy premium audio for clear calls

With EPOS Voice and noise-canceling microphone for natural, clear conversations

Move freely with powerful wireless reach

Up to 55 m/180 ft in typical offices, up to 180 m/590 ft line of sight, and up to 12 hours talk time

Connect simply to one device

Plug-and-play with single-connectivity to desk phone


It’s time to empower your team by creating a focus that allows them to boost their productivity with Sennheiser IMPACT D 10 dictation headset.

Get a wide variety of workflow solutions that best suit your professional needs at Copia. Call +61 8 8223 5590 today. Our licensed specialists are ready to assist you.


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